Treatment of ear infection has been an area of controversy among doctors for a long time. Depending on severity and duration of the problem treatment consists mainly of antibiotics, pain control, tympanocentesis (fluid drainage with a needle) and tympanostomy (tube placement).
Antibiotics Have No OR LIMITED Effect
Until recently, the recommendation from official organizations has been to prescribe a course of antibiotics lasting up to 10 days (5). During the past years, it has become evident that in many cases of midle ear infection, the use of antibiotics has no effect in reducing either severity or duration of the illness. Moreover, doctors have realized that antibiotic use is responsible for development of “super microbes,” or microbes that become resistant to antibiotics. Today, antibiotics are not an acceptable method treatment for most cases of otitis media, or as prevention of AOM (6). Based on carefully reviewed data, the American Academy of Pediatrics has introduced a new set of recommendations, which include limiting use of antibiotics only to severe cases of the AOM form of middle ear infection (7).
Tympanostomy, or insertion of tiny tubes into the eardrum, is a surgical procedure requiring risks of general anesthesia. By draining excessive amount of fluid from the middle ear, tympanostomy reduces the pressure and earache associated with middle ear infection Tympanostomy carries certain complications, and therefore is reserved for the treatment of resistant middle ear fluid accumulation as a measure of last resort.
Dealing with Ear Ache Pain
Otitis media can produce very severe pain and extreme discomfort, even in adults, but children suffer the worst pain. In many cases, drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be very helpful for ear ache. Both drugs are considered to be relatively safe, but occasionally they can produce very serious complications, including blood disorders, allergic reactions, stomach ulcers, liver failure and many more.
Natural Ear Drops is a smart, safe way to deal with ear infections. It reduces pain and kills the germs that cause ear aches.
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